One-on-One Coaching

While a virtual or in-person package might provide the most comprehensive support, individual one-on-one calls are also available for those seeking targeted assistance with specific concerns. This approach offers accessibility to individuals who may feel that hiring a doula is not within their budget.

Despite not having a doula, individuals don't have to navigate the birth journey alone, as these coaching sessions provide personalized guidance and support tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.


What might we work on during a one-on-one coaching call?

  • Assisting in navigating birth choices, such as location and birthing options, and identifying providers aligned with your preferences.

  • Consulting on essential oil recommendations for pregnancy, labor, and postpartum period.

  • Guiding you through a birth vision board activity to envision a positive birth experience.

  • Assisting in creating detailed birth preferences, offering support and guidance on effectively communicating them to medical professionals.

  • Providing strategies for planning husband-assisted birth, with or without a provider.

  • Providing a prenatal checklist for comprehensive birth preparations.

  • Providing personalized support and exploring fears and trauma-related issues deeply on an individual basis, collaboratively solving problems, and learning coping techniques to manage triggers and anxiety.

  • Supporting you in preparing your mindset for birth and healing postpartum mindset, including postpartum coaching to provide emotional support, unpack birth stories, address immediate concerns, and assist with post-birth adjustment.

  • Offering guidance on self-care and baby care strategies during the postpartum period.

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