Certified Doula Supporting the Sacred Birth Journey

With Love, Elizabeth Hulsey

Tap into your most empowered self + invite peace and healing into your pregnancy, birth and motherhood.

Question for you…

What if you could trust your body and intuition so fully that you navigated every twist and turn of your birth journey with unwavering confidence and serenity?

What traumatic birth can look like:

  • Feeling overwhelmed by choice overload

  • Deferring to unsolicited, biased opinions

  • Accepting a birthing team with a pattern of pressuring or gaslighting your experience

  • Opting for routine interventions as an “easy way out” of anticipatory anxiety or discomfort

  • Allowing fear to creep in during labor, thereby triggering muscle tension and intensifying pain

  • Letting limiting beliefs overpower your confidence in a natural birth

  • Feeling caught off guard by post-birth experiences in the delivery room and at home

What peaceful birth can look like:

  • Being well-informed, educated and researched about your options for pregnancy and birth

  • Trusting your intuition with a natural decisiveness about what’s best for you and your family

  • Releasing the need for external validation

  • Feeling confident in your innate ability to birth

  • Honoring autonomy with radical accountability

  • Building an awareness of possible fear triggers during birth and how to mitigate them

  • Surrendering joyfully and completely to the birth process, leading to a more comfortable labor

  • Feeling nurtured, supported in your 4th trimester

Ready for a gentle dose of reality?

Spending countless hours researching the most popular Babylist registry items or designing an Insta-worthy nursery will not prepare you for the beautiful birth and postpartum experience you truly desire. 

I hope that didn’t hit too close to home.

While these efforts certainly lead to a swoony social media feed, if you want to truly prepare for a peaceful and healing birth and motherhood journey, you need to learn the tools necessary to embrace your truest self.

Imagine birthing in complete comfort. Making your own decisions and saying no with confidence and ease.

Imagine feeling so supported during your safe birthing time that every exhale made you even more relaxed?

I promise you, your body was perfectly designed for birthing. This means you can trust it. And I’m here to help you, just like these incredible mamas 👇.

Inviting peace and healing into birth is about so much more than physically preparing the body for labor and deep breathing techniques. A lot of our preparation for birth has to do with the mental and emotional. It’s about confidence, unlearning, and dismantling fears. Then taking steps to allow us to wholeheartedly trust in the innate capabilities of our bodies.

I hear you…

“How is birth without pain, fear and doubt possible?

A peaceful and healing birth story is possible with my Sacred Feminine Support, Childbirth Education and Trauma-Informed Doula Care that has helped so many women just like you.

  • We’re creating a safe space for discussing sensitive topics

  • We’re squashing fears and releasing limiting beliefs

  • We’re empowering you with research and education about your body and birth options

  • We’re protecting your autonomy in interactions with your healthcare providers

  • We’re crafting trauma-sensitive birth plans

  • We’re healing your stress response and nervous system

  • We’re equipping birth partners with practical tools to effectively support mamas



Tap into your most empowered self + invite peace and healing into your pregnancy, birth and motherhood

What’s Included:

  • Customized plans to align with your needs and birth preferences

  • Connection on our in-depth, 1:1 birth coaching calls

  • Facing fears sessions grounded in trauma-informed principles

  • Birth visualization mood board workshop

  • Mindset for birth preparations and prenatal checklist

  • Birth preferences guide

  • Collaborative birth planning and coping strategies for you and your birth partner

  • Continuous reassurance and guidance with ongoing text communication

  • Postpartum mindset healing and unpacking your birth story

  • Facilitated communication with medical staff and hands-on labor support (for in-person clients)

Benefits of Trauma-Informed Doula Care

Personalized Connection

After aligning on the discovery call, I’ll customize a doula support package with tailored sessions and tools to meet your individual needs and preferences. We’ll build a strong bond in our 1:1 sessions and create a safe space for discussing sensitive topics.

Feel Empowered & Self-Assured

I provide expectant mothers and their partners with empowering and practical tools to effectively manage triggers, alleviate anxiety, and navigate childbirth and the parenthood transition with unwavering confidence.

Trauma-Informed Approach

My care model is grounded in trauma-informed principles. As your doula and advocate, I’ll help you ensure a sense of safety, trust, collaboration, choice, and autonomy in interactions with your healthcare providers and birth support team.

Manifest Your Birth Experience

I’ll help you to both visualize and actualize a peaceful birth environment that respects trauma history and promotes a positive outcome for your beautiful birthing time.

Build Emotional Resilience

By addressing your concerns and hopes in our 1:1 sessions, I can help you to identify limiting beliefs, squash fears, and trust that your body was made for this. Through holistic healing practices, we will work to promote your overall health and well-being.

Continuity of Care

Whether in-person or remote care, my support extends beyond coaching calls through text communication and ongoing resources, providing continuous guidance and reassurance throughout your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey.


It’s my mission to help you experience the birth you desire. 

My own journey with infertility, birth and motherhood ignited a deep passion to become a safe space for healing and empowerment for mothers. This is why I created With Love, Elizabeth Hulsey.

I’m not here to share surface-level tips & tricks or to therapize your pain and trauma. I’m here to serve as a nurturing womb for mothers. To help mamas feel safe, loved, secure during birth. To empower parents so that when previous trauma does try to rear its head and stall labor, they can feel informed and confident on how to process the emotions in the moment and allow labor to re-progress. 

Birth doesn’t have to be traumatic. Let’s make your pregnancy easier and help you have the comfortable, easy, uncomplicated birth experience you deserve.

My commitment to you…

We’re transforming your pregnancy and birth with enduring healing tools that will extend into motherhood. Ready to tap into the power of your sacred feminine? My dedication to you and your birth experience is unwavering. You matter. Baby matters. You will be seen, heard and supported even after With Love, Elizabeth Hulsey.

Curious if With Love, Elizabeth Hulsey is a perfect fit for you?

Connect with me on a Discovery Call!